Social Distancing and Collaborating with your McKean Smith Attorney | March 20, 2020| Article & News


These are challenging times for everyone everywhere indeed as we are all asked to maintain appropriate social distances from each other and in extreme cases, some are asked to shelter in place at home. While we all accommodate these necessary measures, our collaboration practices are also becoming more virtual and at McKean Smith, we are prepared to assist clients from anywhere, at any time. Until there is widespread testing of COVID-19, these practices will continue to be necessary. Resources and updates about the Coronavirus can be found at the CDC.

In the meantime, McKean Smith is encouraging our clients to consider communicating with their attorneys and McKean Smith staff by phone or video chat. To help clients connect with their attorneys, we offer video chat and web conferencing capabilities with Microsoft Skype, Microsoft Teams, and Amazon Chime. We believe that even after the virus risk has subsided, our clients will appreciate the flexibility afforded by web conferencing capabilities and will continue to take advantage of our legal services via web-based collaboration tools.

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